What Chapter Does Yun Che See Quingyu Again After He Goes to the God Realm

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  • 1 Data
  • 2 Arc 1: Bluish Pole Star Arc
    • two.1 Volume i - Red-Colored Cataclysm
    • 2.2 Volume two - Bluish Wind Conspiracy
    • 2.iii Volume 3 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky
    • 2.4 Book iv - Fury that Burns the Heavens
    • 2.5 Volume 5 - Primordial Profound Ark
    • 2.6 Volume 6 - Lordship in Illusory Demon
    • 2.7 Volume vii - Heaven Smiting Shakes the World
    • ii.8 Volume 8 – Deject'south Stop Delusion
  • 3 Arc 2: Realm of the Gods Arc
    • 3.1 Volume ix – Realm of the Gods
    • 3.two Volume 10 - Snowfall Song Flame God
    • 3.3 Volume 11 - Profound God Convention
    • 3.four Volume 12 - Dream of the Moon'southward Dawn
    • 3.5 Volume 13 - Demise of Life and Soul
    • 3.six Book 14 - Crimson Calamity
    • 3.7 Volume xv - All Thoughts to the Devil
    • 3.eight Book 16 - Emperor of the North
    • 3.nine Volume 17 - Appearance of Yun
    • 3.x Book 18 - Nighttime of Calamity has withal to End
  • 4 Arc 3: Ancient Abyss of Nothingness Arc
    • four.1 Volume 19 - Ancient Abyss


A consummate list of the most memorable light novel chapters in Confronting the Gods

Arc 1: Blue Pole Star Arc

Volume 1 - Red-Colored Calamity

  1. Yun Che tortures Xiao Yulong and sentences him to a fate worse than decease
  2. Yun Che reunites with Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Prevarication
  3. Yun Che learns virtually his name and parents
  4. Yun Che wants to avenge Xiao Ying
  5. Xia Qingyue wants to reunite with Yun Che
  6. Jasmine wants to become Yun Che'south primary
  7. Yun Che learns about the Heretic God Legacy
  8. Yun Che becomes the Heretic God inheritor and obtains Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins
  9. Yun Che rescues Jasmine
  10. Yun Che obtains the Fire Seed
  11. Yun Che steps into the Nascent Profound Realm
  12. Jasmine teaches Yun Che Star God'south Broken Shadow
  13. Yun Che enters the Black Moon Merchant Guild
  14. Yun Che unleashes his killing intent to Pu He
  15. Yun Che meets Cang Yue
  16. Yun Che reveals the two ultimate goals a man pursues to Xia Yuanba
  17. Yun Che wants to sympathise Cang Yue's intentions
  18. Yun Che wakes up Jasmine
  19. Yun Che wants to broke Xiao Tiannan
  20. Yun Che reveals his true identity to Xiao Luocheng
  21. Cang Yue wants to protect Yun Che
  22. Yun Che runs away from Xiao Zaihe
  23. Cang Yue rescues Yun Che
  24. Cang Yue learns about Yun Che's grand schemes
  25. Yun Che teases Cang Yue

Volume 2 - Blue Air current Conspiracy

  1. Yun Che and Cang Yue enter the hamlet of the Phoenix Clan
  2. Cang Yue wants to help the Phoenix Clan
  3. Yun Che refuses to harm Su Ling'er
  4. Yun Che bribes the innkeeper
  5. Yun Che playfully tricks Cang Yue
  6. Yun Che and Cang Yue reunite with Qin Wuyou
  7. Yun Che condemns Murong Ye
  8. Yun Che comprehends the Slap-up Way of the Buddha
  9. Yun Che wants to address Chu Yuechan every bit Picayune Fairy
  10. Yun Che cures Chu Yuechan
  11. Yun Che kisses Cang Yue for the first time
  12. Yun Che learns most Cang Yue's true identity
  13. Yun Che learns nigh Cang Yue's brunt and sorrows
  14. Yun Che and Cang Yue go an official couple
  15. Cang Yue brings Yun Che to Bluish Wind Purple Palace
  16. Yun Che learns about the Four Great Sacred Grounds
  17. Yun Che meets Ling Yun and Ling Jie
  18. Yun Che assassinates Murong Yi and frames Feng Baiyi
  19. Yun Che wants to obtain absolute freedom and control
  20. Yun Che and Chu Yuechan enter the Wasteland of Death
  21. Yun Che refuses Chu Yuechan'south request to exit her to dice
  22. Yun Che wants to save Chu Yuechan'southward life
  23. Yun Che dual cultivates with Chu Yuechan
  24. Yun Che learns almost Chu Yuechan's reputation from Cang Yue
  25. Yun Che wants to conceal his romantic thing with Chu Yuechan

Volume 3 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

  1. Yun Che makes out with Cang Yue
  2. Yun Che "bullies" Cang Yue
  3. Yun Che and Xia Yuanba reunite with Xia Qingyue
  4. Yun Che wants to receive a kiss from Cang Yue as a reward
  5. Yun Che steals the spotlight in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament
  6. Yun Che hugs Chu Yuechan
  7. Yun Che wants to testify his worth to Xia Qingyue
  8. Yun Che becomes the champion of the Bluish Wind Ranking Tournament
  9. Yun Che playfully tricks Chu Yuechan
  10. Chu Yuechan settles her debt with Yun Che
  11. Yun Che obtains the Water Seed and meets Su Ling'er in his third life
  12. Su Ling'er becomes one of Yun Che's fiancées
  13. Yun Che and Su Ling'er construct a bamboo house
  14. Yun Che and Su Ling'er tearfully role means
  15. Yun Che learns virtually the location of Azure Cloud Continent
  16. Yun Che wants to understand Xia Qingyue's intentions
  17. Yun Che reunites with Cang Yue
  18. Yun Che condemns Fen Moli
  19. Yun Che wants Cang Yue to come across Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Lie
  20. Yun Che sacrifices himself to salvage Xia Yuanba's life
  21. Chu Yuechan learns about Yun Che'south "demise" from Chu Yueli
  22. Chu Yuechan accepts her feelings for Yun Che
  23. Chu Yuechan sacrifices her tillage to preserve Yun Che'south bloodline and lineage
  24. Yun Canghai sacrifices himself to salvage Yun Che's life
  25. Yun Che reunites with Ling Jie

Volume four - Fury that Burns the Heavens

  1. Cang Yue publicly pledges her undying love to Yun Che
  2. Yun Che reclaims Cang Yue every bit his adult female
  3. Yun Che and Cang Yue reunite with Cang Wanhe
  4. Yun Che cures Cang Wanhe
  5. Yun Che learns near Chu Yuechan's pregnancy
  6. Yun Che obtains the Dragon God'due south Marrow and the Dragon God's Soul
  7. Yun Che settles his debt with the Xiao Clan
  8. Yun Che incinerates Fen Juecheng
  9. Yun Che annihilates Fen Ziya
  10. Yun Che assassinates Xiao Wuyi
  11. Yun Che destroys the Burning Heaven Clan just spares Fen Juechen
  12. Cang Yue envies Yun Che's relationship with Xiao Lingxi
  13. Cang Wanhe wants Cang Yue to ally Yun Che
  14. Yun Che accepts Cang Wanhe'due south proposal to have Cang Yue as his wife
  15. Cang Yue marries Yun Che and becomes his first formally wedded wife
  16. Yun Che sleeps with Cang Yue on their wedding ceremony night
  17. Yun Che wants to as well marry Xiao Lingxi
  18. Cang Yue envies Yun Che's relationship with Xia Qingyue
  19. Yun Che executes Gu Qiuhong
  20. Yun Che wants to assist Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanxue obtain Heavenly God'south Spiritual Veins
  21. Yun Che wants to exploit Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanxue'south personalities
  22. Yun Che playfully tricks Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanxue
  23. Yun Che reunites with Xiao Lingxi and Cang Yue
  24. Xiao Lingxi wants Yun Che to return safely
  25. Yun Che settles his debt with Xiao Kuangyun

Volume 5 - Primordial Profound Ark

  1. Feng Xue'er stays with Yun Che during his recovery
  2. Feng Xue'er dances for Yun Che
  3. Yun Chne and Feng Xue'er exchange names
  4. Yun Che wants to bring Feng Xue'er to the Snow Region of Extreme Ice
  5. Yun Che and Feng Xue'er pinky-swear
  6. Feng Xue'er teaches Yun Che the remaining parts of the World Ode of the Phoenix
  7. Feng Xue'er obtains Little Chan
  8. Yun Che unleashes Empyrean Dance of the Phoenix Wing, Star Scorching Demon Lotus
  9. Yun Che becomes the champion of the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament
  10. Yun Che and Xia Yuanba reunite with Feng Xue'er
  11. Yun Che and Feng Xue'er learn most the Phoenix Legacy
  12. Yun Che refuses Feng Xue'er'southward request to exit her to die
  13. Yun Che assassinates Yue Ji and Mei Ji
  14. Yun Che wants to face up Ye Xinghan and protect Feng Xue'er
  15. Yun Che sacrifices himself to save Feng Xue'er's life
  16. Yun Che hugs Jasmine and reminds her of their kisses
  17. Cang Yue becomes the Blueish Wind Empress and executes Cang Ye
  18. Yun Che and Jasmine run across Hong'er
  19. Yun Che tries to feed Hong'er
  20. Yun Che obtains the Bury of Eternity
  21. Hong'er consumes Dragon Fault
  22. Hong'er transforms into the Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword
  23. Yun Che uses the Star God's Soul Star Relegation on Hong'er
  24. Yun Che rescues Xiao Yun and Number Seven Under Heaven
  25. Yun Che meets Greatest Appetite Under Heaven

Volume six - Lordship in Illusory Demon

  1. Yun Che accepts Xiao Yun every bit his sworn brother
  2. Yun Che masters Farthermost Mirage Lightning
  3. Yun Che interrogates Yun Xinyue through a Profound Handle'due south Soul Search
  4. Yun Che formally reunites with his parents
  5. Yun Qinghong learns almost Xiao Ying's demise
  6. Xiao Yun forgives Yun Che's parents
  7. Huan Caiyi bestows kingship to Xiao Yun
  8. Yun Che forces Duke Huai and his allies to kneel in front of Yun Canghai's corpse
  9. Yun Che returns the Demon Emperor'due south Seal to Huan Caiyi
  10. Huan Caiyi dual cultivates with Yun Che
  11. Yun Che obtains the Lightning Seed
  12. Huan Caiyi incinerates vii Monarchs of the Knuckles Huai Palace in a unmarried movement
  13. Huan Caiyi wants to publicly expose Duke Huai'south crimes
  14. Yun Che interrogates Knuckles Huai through a Profound Handle's Soul Search
  15. Yun Che condemns Duke Ming
  16. Huan Caiyi wants to destroy the Knuckles Huai Palace
  17. Huan Caiyi obtains Yun Che's refined pellets
  18. Yun Che wants to privately talk with Huan Caiyi
  19. Huan Caiyi obtains Heavenly Jade Dew
  20. Huan Caiyi grants amnesty to Knuckles Xuan but executes Helian Kuang
  21. Yun Che accepts Yun Qinghong's proposal to take Huan Caiyi every bit his wife
  22. Yun Che wants to fulfill Huan Caiyi'south wishes
  23. Huan Caiyi marries Yun Che and becomes his 2nd formally wedded wife
  24. Huan Caiyi pays her filial piety to Yun Che's parents
  25. Huan Caiyi wants Yun Che to render safely

Book 7 - Heaven Smiting Shakes the World

  1. Cang Yue tearfully reunites with Yun Che
  2. Yun Che stays with Cang Yue during her recovery
  3. Yun Che becomes the Palace Master of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace
  4. Yun Che "bullies" Xiao Lingxi
  5. Yun Che destroys the gate of Phoenix City and the Phoenix God Sculpture
  6. Yun Che executes Feng Xichen
  7. Cang Yue wants Xia Yuanba and Number One Under Heaven to protect Blue Air current Imperial City
  8. Feng Xue'er tearfully reunites with Yun Che
  9. Cang Yue meets Feng Xue'er
  10. Cang Yue wants Feng Xue'er to marry Yun Che
  11. Cang Yue refutes Feng Hengkong's claims
  12. Cang Yue accepts Feng Hengkong's proposal to postone Feng Xue'er'southward marriage with Yun Che
  13. Yun Che and Cang Yue attempt to have a child
  14. Xiao Lingxi meets Feng Xue'er
  15. Jasmine wants Yun Che to dual cultivate with Feng Xue'er
  16. Yun Che brings Feng Xue'er to Frozen Deject Immortal Palace
  17. Yun Che helps Murong Qianxue increment her cultivation realm
  18. Murong Qianxue becomes the kickoff Overlord of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace
  19. Jasmine spies on Yun Che and Feng Xue'er
  20. Yun Che "bullies" Feng Xue'er
  21. Yun Che annoys Jasmine
  22. Yun Che brings Feng Xue'er to Heavenly Sword Villa
  23. Huan Caiyi cripples Duke Ming and sentences him to eternal torture
  24. Yun Che enters the pure white world
  25. Yun Che obtains the first fragment of the World-Defying Heaven Manual

Volume 8 – Cloud's Stop Mirage

  1. Jasmine slices the Iii Sword Attendants into pieces
  2. Jasmine injures Xuanyuan Wentian and beheads 23 Mighty Heavenly Sword Region elders
  3. Jasmine destroys the Northern Region of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region
  4. Jasmine humiliates and tortures Ye Meixie
  5. Jasmine obtains the Evil Baby's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations
  6. Cang Yue wants to encounter Huan Caiyi
  7. Feng Xue'er becomes 1 of Yun Che's fiancées
  8. Yun Che dual cultivates with Huan Caiyi and Feng Xue'er
  9. Cang Yue pays her filial piety to Yun Che's parents
  10. Yun Qinghong accepts Yun Che's relatives and companions equally his honorable guests
  11. Mu Yurou learns most Chu Yuechan's kid with Yun Che
  12. Yun Che "bullies" Huan Caiyi
  13. Yun Che cripples and tortures Su Haoran, Su Hengyue, and Su Wangji
  14. Yun Che enters the pure white world a second time
  15. Yun Che obtains the Darkness Seed
  16. Su Ling'er tearfully reunites with Yun Che
  17. Yun Che flirts with Su Ling'er
  18. Yun Che meets Yun Gu in his third life
  19. Yun Che cripples Duan Heisha
  20. Yun Che cripples Zuo Hanshuo and Mu Yingchan
  21. Yun Che obtains the other half of the Sky Poison Pearl
  22. Yun Che returns to the Illusory Demon Realm
  23. Yun Gu accepts Su Ling'er as his disciple
  24. Yun Che kidnaps Xuanyuan Wendao
  25. Yun Che cripples Xuanyuan Wendao

Arc 2: Realm of the Gods Arc

Book nine – Realm of the Gods

  1. Yun Che annihilates Xuanyuan Wentian
  2. Fen Juechen wants Yun Che to never forsake Xiao Lingxi
  3. Yun Che solidifies his position equally the strongest cultivator in Blue Pole Star
  4. Xia Yuanba becomes the Saint Emperor of Accented Monarch Sanctuary
  5. Yun Che wants to destroy Sun Moon Divine Hall and Mighty Heavenly Sword Region
  6. Yun Che incinerates Ling Kun, scares Ye Xinghan to death, and insults Xuanyuan Yufeng
  7. Yun Che helps Su Ling'er obtain and place medicinal herbs
  8. Yun Che "bullies" Xiao Lingxi and Huan Caiyi
  9. Yun Che and Huan Caiyi destroy Sun Moon Divine Hall and Mighty Heavenly Sword Region
  10. Yun Che incinerates Xuanyuan Wendao
  11. Xiao Lingxi becomes i of Yun Che'southward fiancées
  12. Yun Che brings Feng Xue'er to the Phoenix Clan
  13. Yun Che rescues Feng Xian'er and Feng Zu'er
  14. Mu Bingyun and Mu Xiaolan spy on Yun Che and Su Ling'er
  15. Yun Che meets Mu Bingyun and Mu Xiaolan
  16. Mu Xiaolan misunderstands Yun Che's intentions
  17. Mu Xiaolan tries to brand apology with Yun Che
  18. Yun Che cures Mu Bingyun
  19. Murong Qianxue becomes the Asgard Mistress of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace
  20. Huan Caiyi wants Yun Che to never forsake his relatives and companions
  21. Yun Che teases Mu Xiaolan
  22. Yun Che departs Blue Pole Star and enters the Realm of the Gods
  23. Yun Che becomes an official disciple of the Divine Water ice Phoenix Sect
  24. Mu Xuanyin accepts Yun Che as her direct disciple
  25. Yun Che reflects on his relationships with Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin

Volume x - Snow Vocal Flame God

  1. Yun Che and Mu Xuanyin reflect on their principal-disciple relationship
  2. Mu Xuanyin teaches Yun Che Moon Splitting Cascade
  3. Mu Xuanyin teases Yun Che
  4. Mu Xuanyin beats up Yun Che for his audacity
  5. Yun Che poisons Mu Hanyi
  6. Yun Che forgives Feng Huita
  7. Yun Che annoys Mu Xuanyin
  8. Mu Xuanyin bestows Yun Che the Buddha Centre Lotus of Nine Resurrections
  9. Mu Xuanyin wants to execute Yun Che
  10. Mu Xuanyin sends Yun Che to Mist End Valley as punishment
  11. Yun Che wants to obtain a Feathered Ice Spirit Bloom for Mu Xuanyin
  12. Mu Xuanyin rescues Yun Che
  13. Yun Che complicates his relationship with Mu Xuanyin
  14. Yun Che dual cultivates with Mu Xuanyin
  15. Yun Che runs away from Mu Bingyun and Mu Xuanyin
  16. Yun Che wants to repent with Mu Xuanyin
  17. Yun Che meets Caizhi
  18. Caizhi annoys Yun Che
  19. Yun Che coldy abandons Caizhi
  20. Yun Che wants to slowly destroy Black Soul Divine Sect
  21. Yun Che discreetly massacres the members of the Black Soul Divine Sect
  22. Yun Che reunites with Caizhi
  23. Yun Che poisons Lei Guangmo
  24. Yun Che recalls the abilities of the Sky Poison Pearl
  25. Yun Che rescues Caizhi

Volume 11 - Profound God Convention

  1. Yun Che dreams about Jasmine
  2. Yun Che disguises himself as Toxicant Saint Blackheart
  3. Yun Che poisons Lei Qianfeng
  4. Yun Che reunites with Ji Ruyan
  5. Yun Che incinerates Lei Qianfeng'southward corpse
  6. Caizhi spies on Yun Che
  7. Yun Che learns well-nigh the Northern Divine Region
  8. Ji Ruyan meets Caizhi
  9. Yun Che reunites with Mu Xuanyin
  10. Mu Xuanyin meets Caizhi
  11. Yun Che learns about Mu Xuanyin'south purpose in Illusory Sea Island
  12. Caizhi envies Mu Xuanyin's trunk and measurements
  13. Mu Xuanyin forgives Yun Che
  14. Mu Xuanyin wants to dual cultivate with Yun Che again
  15. Feng Xian'er learns nigh Yun Che's whereabouts
  16. Yun Che steps into the Divine Tribulation Realm
  17. Mu Bingyun wants to obey Mu Xuanyin and protect Yun Che
  18. Yun Che learns almost the Holy Eaves Realm, Glazed Light Realm, and Shrouding Heaven Realm
  19. Yun Che wants to conceal his romantic affair with Mu Xuanyin
  20. Jasmine scolds Yun Che for participating in the Profound God Convention
  21. Jasmine wants to assassinate Moonflower
  22. Yun Che reunites with the Ice Phoenix
  23. Mu Xuanyin scolds Yun Che for exposing his abilities in the Eternal Heaven Realm
  24. Mu Xuanyin secretly dual cultivates with Yun Che
  25. Mu Bingyun wants Yun Che to never abdicate Mu Xuanyin

Book 12 - Dream of the Moon's Dawn

  1. Yun Che recalls his dual cultivation session with Feng Xue'er and Huan Caiyi
  2. Yun Che "bullies" Shui Meiyin
  3. Yun Che reunites with Shui Yingyue
  4. Shui Meiyin wants Yun Che to accept responsibility and marry her
  5. Yun Che reveals his origins and marital condition to Shui Meiyin
  6. Shui Meiyin accepts Yun Che's proposal to postpone their marriage
  7. Yun Che comforts Jun Xilei
  8. Yun Che absorbs 9 rounds of Divine Heavenly Tribulation Lightning
  9. Yun Che incapacitates Luo Guxie
  10. Yun Che becomes the champion of the Profound God Convention
  11. Jasmine wants Caizhi to distract Moonflower
  12. Jasmine assassinates Moonflower
  13. Jasmine condemns Xing Juekong
  14. Jasmine tearfully reunites with Yun Che
  15. Jasmine wants Yun Che to become the strongest cultivator in the Cardinal Anarchy Dimension
  16. Jasmine wants Caizhi to teach Yun Che Heavenly Wolf Hell God'southward Tome
  17. Jasmine spies on Yun Che and Caizhi
  18. Jasmine wants Caizhi to marry Yun Che
  19. Caizhi marries Yun Che and becomes his third formally wedded married woman
  20. Yun Che learns about Caizhi'southward childhood
  21. Caizhi reflects on her human relationship with Yun Che
  22. Yun Che and Jasmine tearfully part ways
  23. Yun Che reveals his life story to Xia Qingyue
  24. Yun Che "bullies" Xia Qingyue and compares her trunk and measurements with Mu Xuanyin
  25. Yun Che meets He Ling

Volume 13 - Demise of Life and Soul

  1. Xia Qingyue envies Yun Che's relationship with Mu Xuanyin
  2. Yun Che dual cultivates with Shen 11
  3. He Ling becomes the Poison Spirit of Yun Che'south Sky Poison Pearl
  4. Mu Xuanyin kidnaps, cripples, and imprisons Xing Juekong
  5. Yun Che reunites with Chu Yuechan
  6. Yun Che sees Chu Yuechan smile for the first time
  7. Yun Che reveals his life story to Chu Yuechan
  8. Yun Wuxin wants to follow her parents and see her relatives
  9. Chu Yuechan wants Yun Che to never forsake Cang Yue
  10. Mu Xuanyin spies on Yun Che and his daughter and women
  11. Yun Wuxin accepts Feng Xue'er every bit her principal
  12. Chu Yuechan pays her filial piety to Yun Che's parents
  13. Su Ling'er and Huan Caiyi want Yun Che to recover his profound strength
  14. Xiao Yun and Number Seven Under Heaven want to have a daughter
  15. Su Ling'er wants Yun Che to consummate his human relationship with Xiao Lingxi
  16. Yun Che becomes the start person to touch the Police of Nothingness
  17. Yun Che tries to consummate his relationship with Xiao Lingxi
  18. Su Ling'er tries to assistance Yun Che consummate his relationship with Xiao Lingxi
  19. Yun Che goes fishing with Yun Wuxin
  20. Yun Che slaughters Lin Qingyu, Lin Jun, Lin Qingshan, and Lin Qingrou
  21. Chu Yuechan wants Yun Che to never forsake Yun Wuxin
  22. Yun Che reunites with He Ling
  23. Yun Che forgives Feng Xian'er
  24. Yun Che helps Yun Wuxin recover her profound forcefulness and enter the Divine Way
  25. Yun Che helps his women enter the Divine Way

Volume 14 - Crimson Calamity

  1. Yun Che learns about somniloquy
  2. Yun Che and Yun Wuxin tearfully office ways
  3. Mu Xuanyin scolds Yun Che for perishing in the Star God Realm for Jasmine'due south sake
  4. Mu Xuanyin cuts off Luo Guxie's right arm and threatens to impale Luo Changsheng
  5. Mu Xuanyin envies Yun Che's relationship with Shui Meiyin
  6. Yun Che condemns Huo Poyun
  7. Yun Che wants to reunite with Jasmine and Caizhi
  8. Yun Che obtains the Star God Wheel
  9. Yun Che reseals Xing Juekong in the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake
  10. Yun Che reunites with Mu Xiaolan
  11. Yun Che teases Jun Xilei just annoys Mu Xuanyin
  12. Shui Meiyin teases Yun Che and Mu Xuanyin
  13. Yun Che returns to Blue Pole Star as the God Child Messiah
  14. Mu Xuanyin wants Yun Che to remain happy
  15. Yun Che learns about the Ancient Completeness of Nothingness
  16. Yun Che obtains the second fragment of the Globe-Defying Heaven Transmission
  17. Yun Che reunites with Jasmine
  18. Yun Che meets the Evil Babe
  19. Yun Che "bullies" Jasmine
  20. Caizhi wants to avenge Jasmine
  21. Jasmine wants Yun Che to succeed in his adventure with Jie Yuan and Zhou Xuzi
  22. Jie Yuan wants to reunite with Ni Xuan in the afterlife
  23. Yun Wuxin obtains the Vast Moon Divine Robe
  24. Yun Che obtains Yun Wuxin's three Glazed Audio Stones
  25. Yun Che celebrates Xiao Lie's seventieth birthday with his relatives and companions

Volume 15 - All Thoughts to the Devil

  1. Yun Che reunites with Mu Xuanyin and Shui Meiyin
  2. Yun Che makes out with Shui Meiyin
  3. Yun Che accepts Mu Xuanyin as his woman and hugs her for the first time
  4. Yun Che enters the Northern Divine Region
  5. Yun Che becomes the Sky Smiting Devil Emperor inheritor
  6. Yun Che recalls Jie Yuan'south words
  7. Yun Che assassinates Ming Ao and Fairy Zixuan
  8. Yun Che incinerates Fang Zhou
  9. Yun Che annihilates Forefather Ming Peng and the Sun Death Sword Rex
  10. Qianye Ying'er wants to become Yun Che's slave
  11. Yun Che accepts Qianye Ying'er as his dual cultivation incubator
  12. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er start to employ each other as a tool for vengeance
  13. Yun Che absorbs the spiritual energy of blackness-colored profound crystals
  14. Yun Che cripples Dong Xueci
  15. Qianye Ying'er beheads Beihan Chu and assassinates Beihan Shuo
  16. Yun Che unhesitatingly slaughters ten one thousand thousand profound practitioners to ensure no witnesses
  17. Nanhuang Chanyi formally welcomes Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er into the Northern Divine Region
  18. Yun Che obtains the Wind Seed
  19. Yun Che ogles Nanhuang Chanyi's naked body while Qianye Ying'er takes pictures for blackmail
  20. Yun Che slaughters the Desolate Heaven Devil Dragons
  21. Yun Che annihilates Shen Xuzi
  22. Yun Che accepts Yun Shang'south proposal to forgive the Heavenly Handle Yun Clan
  23. Yun Che prefers Shen Xi over Qianye Ying'er
  24. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er loot the Nine Lights Heavenly Palace's treasury
  25. He Ling tries to foresee Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er'south future human relationship

Book xvi - Emperor of the North

  1. Yun Che assassinates Tai Yin and Qianye Ying'er assassinates Qu Hui
  2. Yun Che forcibly uses the Eternal Cataclysm of Darkness on Zhou Qingchen
  3. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er reunite with Caizhi
  4. Caizhi spares Qianye Ying'er's life
  5. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er meet Hua Jin and Chi Wuyao
  6. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er want to cooperate with Chi Wuyao
  7. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er want to conquer the Eastern Divine Region
  8. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er establish an alliance with Chi Wuyao
  9. Chi Wuyao tries to seduce Yun Che
  10. Chi Wuyao coincidentally schedules her coming together with Zhou Xuzi on Yun Wuxin's 18th birthday
  11. Qianye Ying'er envies Yun Che's relationship with Chi Wuyao
  12. Chi Wuyao refutes Zhou Xuzi's claims
  13. Yun Che explodes Zhou Qingchen into a million pieces
  14. Qianye Ying'er accepts her feelings for Yun Che
  15. Yun Che wants to dual cultivate with He Ling
  16. Yun Che enslaves the 3 Yama Ancestors
  17. Yun Che forcibly uses the Yama Devil Nether Crossing Cauldron on Tian Guhu
  18. Yun Che dual cultivates with He Ling
  19. Yun Che confronts Chi Wuyao
  20. Chi Wuyao reveals her connexion with Mu Xuanyin to Yun Che
  21. Chi Wuyao recalls how she and Mu Xuanyin cruel in honey with Yun Che
  22. Chi Wuyao comforts Yun Che equally he tearfully yearn for Mu Xuanyin
  23. Yun Che reflects on his relationships with Mu Xuanyin and Chi Wuyao
  24. Yun Che accepts Qianye Ying'er's proposal to take Chi Wuyao as his Devil Empress
  25. Qianye Ying'er bestows Yun Che his regal championship

Volume 17 - Appearance of Yun

  1. Yun Che becomes the Devil Primary of the Northern Divine Region
  2. Tian Guhu assassinates Mu Xue and obliterates the Cold Sunflower Immortal Palace
  3. Tian Guhu assassinates Luo Chuanyun
  4. Yun Che bathes the Eternal Heaven Realm in the blood of its denizens
  5. Chi Wuyao forces Zhou Xuzi to witness the slaughter of the Eternal Heaven God Realm
  6. Yan Iii slaughters Zhou Xuzi's descendants and Chi Wuyao condemns Zhou Xuzi
  7. Yun Che incinerates Honorable Tai Yu
  8. He Ling helps Yun Che seize the Eternal Heaven Pearl
  9. Yun Che wants the Three Yama Ancestors to annihilate the founder of the Eternal Heaven Realm
  10. Mu Xuanyin wants to assist Yun Che conquer the Southern Divine Region
  11. He Ling spreads Heaven Wounding Thought Severing Poison throughout the Brahma Monarch God Realm
  12. Jie Yuan delivers the about powerful and moving speech in the history of the Cardinal Chaos Dimension
  13. Yun Che remains expressionless as everybody learn nearly God Child Messiah
  14. Yun Che reunites with Shui Meiyin, Shui Yingyue, and Shui Qianheng
  15. Yun Che reunites with Lu Zhou and Lu Lengchuan
  16. Yun Che offers ane final chance for the upper star realms of the Eastern Divine Region
  17. Yun Che obtains the Primordial Seal of Life and Decease
  18. Yun Che executes Kui Hongyu and forces Duan Muyan to take his marking of darkness
  19. Shui Meiyin teases Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er
  20. Yun Che reunites with Mu Bingyun
  21. Yun Che spares Huo Poyun
  22. Caizhi rallies the Dragons of Accented Showtime to battle
  23. Mu Xuanyin beheads Nan Wansheng
  24. Yun Che obtains the Southern Body of water Divine Pearl
  25. Yun Che incinerates Nan Qianqiu

Volume 18 - Night of Calamity has withal to End

  1. Caizhi envies Chi Wuyao's trunk and measurements
  2. Yun Che obtains the third and terminal fragment of the Globe-Defying Heaven Transmission
  3. Yun Che and Shui Meiyin enter the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm
  4. Yun Che unleashes the Profound Handle: God Manifestation of the Primordial Azure Dragon
  5. Yun Che wants to destroy the Dragon God Realm and drive the Dragon God Race to extinction
  6. Yun Che forces Long Bai to witness the slaughter of the Dragon God Race
  7. Yun Che sentences Zhou Xuzi to eternal torture and Mu Xuanyin beheads Long Bai
  8. Yun Che "bullies" Mu Xuanyin
  9. Mu Xuanyin learns about Shen Eleven'due south child with Yun Che
  10. Yun Che accepts Chi Wuyao'due south proposal to take Qing Que as his royal concubine
  11. Yun Che accepts Qing Que's entreaty
  12. Yun Che forcibly uses the Deep Bounding main Divine Pearl on Cang Shuhe
  13. Yun Che reveals the true fate of Blue Pole Star to Zhou Xuzi
  14. Yun Che becomes the first official Primal Chaos Emperor in the Primal Chaos Dimension
  15. Mu Xuanyin executes Luo Guxie
  16. Yun Che implements new rules in the Realm of the Gods
  17. Yun Che returns to Blue Pole Star and reunites with Yun Wuxin and Feng Xue'er
  18. Chi Wuyao pays her filial piety to Yun Che's parents
  19. Qianye Ying'er spies on Yun Che and Yun Wuxin
  20. Chi Wuyao meets Zi Ji and Qu Fengyi
  21. Yun Wuxin meets Shui Meiyin and Caizhi
  22. Mu Xuanyin spies on Yun Che and Xiao Lingxi
  23. Yun Wuxin meets Jie Xin and Jie Ling
  24. Yun Wuxin meets Cang Shitian
  25. Yun Wuxin meets Cang Shuhe and Rui Yi

Arc 3: Ancient Completeness of Pettiness Arc

Volume 19 - Aboriginal Abyss

  1. Yun Che learns about the culinary arts
  2. Qianye Ying'er envies Yun Che'due south human relationship with Cang Shuhe
  3. Yun Wuxin meets Qi Tianli
  4. Yun Wuxin meets Jun Wuming and Jun Xilei
  5. Yun Che and Yun Wuxin reunite with Qianye Ying'er
  6. Yun Che and Qianye Ying'er learn about the location of the Globe Seed
  7. Yun Che and Yun Wuxin spy on Huo Poyun, Huo Rulie, Yan Wancang, and Yan Juehai
  8. Yun Wuxin meets Mu Bingyun and Mu Feixue
  9. Yun Che wants Mu Xuanyin to babysit Yun Wuxin
  10. Yun Che interrogates Shui Yingyue through a Profound Handle's Soul Search
  11. Mu Xuanyin spies on Yun Che and Shui Meiyin
  12. Yun Che reunites with Chi Wuyao, Qianye Ying'er, Shui Meiyin, and Mu Xuanyin
  13. TBA
  14. TBA
  15. TBA
  16. TBA
  17. TBA
  18. TBA
  19. TBA
  20. TBA
  21. TBA
  22. TBA
  23. TBA
  24. TBA
  25. TBA


Source: https://ni-tian-xie-shen-against-the-gods.fandom.com/wiki/Must_Read_Again_(WuxiaWorld)

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